Get title from INSEE series idbank
get_insee_title(..., lang = "en")
a character vector with the titles
Query INSEE website to get series title from series key (idbank). Any query to INSEE database can handle around 400 idbanks at maximum, if necessary the idbank list will then be splitted in several lists of 400 idbanks each. Consequently, it is not advised to use it on the whole idbank dataset, the user should filter the idbank dataset first.
# \donttest{
#example 1 : industrial production index on manufacturing and industrial activities
title = get_insee_title("010537900")
#> 1/1 - Data download & Dataframe build : 100%
#> Data cached : /var/folders/4d/0gnh84wj53j7wyk695q0tc_80000gn/T//RtmpLADV6b/8c931ff633c5c50d595e5c3d4503773a.rds
#example 2 : automotive industry and overall industrial production
idbank_list_selected =
get_idbank_list("IPI-2015") %>% #industrial production index dataset
filter(FREQ == "M") %>% #monthly
filter(NATURE == "INDICE") %>% #index
filter(CORRECTION == "CVS-CJO") %>% #Working day and seasonally adjusted SA-WDA
filter(str_detect(NAF2,"^29$|A10-BE")) %>% #automotive industry and overall industrial production
mutate(title = get_insee_title(idbank))
#> Cached data has been used
#> 1/1 - Data download & Dataframe build :
| | 0%
|======================================================================| 100%
#> Data cached : /var/folders/4d/0gnh84wj53j7wyk695q0tc_80000gn/T//RtmpLADV6b/9c776c3056d832de34c758b60ed66cbe.rds
# }