Get dataset from INSEE BDM database
startPeriod = NULL,
endPeriod = NULL,
firstNObservations = NULL,
lastNObservations = NULL,
includeHistory = NULL,
updatedAfter = NULL,
filter = NULL
dataset name to be downloaded
start date of data
end date of data
get the first N observations for each key series (idbank)
get the last N observations for each key series (idbank)
boolean to access the previous releases (not available on all series)
starting point for querying the previous releases (format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
Use the filter to choose only some values in a dimension. It is recommended to use it for big datasets. A dimension left empty means all values are selected. To select multiple values in one dimension put a "+" between those values (see example)
a tibble with the data
Get dataset from INSEE BDM database
# \donttest{
insee_dataset = get_dataset_list()
#> Cached data has been used
idbank_ipc = get_idbank_list("IPC-2015")
#> Cached data has been used
#example 1
data = get_insee_dataset("IPC-2015", filter = "M+A.........CVS..", startPeriod = "2015-03")
#> 1/1 - Data download & Dataframe build :
| | 0%
|== | 2%
|======================== | 35%
|=============================================== | 67%
|======================================================================| 100%
#> Data cached : /var/folders/4d/0gnh84wj53j7wyk695q0tc_80000gn/T//RtmpLADV6b/d0cf1283af4323191a1ca24bd0113847.rds
#example 2
data = get_insee_dataset("IPC-2015", filter = "A..SO...VARIATIONS_A....BRUT..SO",
includeHistory = TRUE, updatedAfter = "2017-07-11T08:45:00")
#> An error occurred
#> If a work computer is used, a proxy server may prevent this package from accessing the internet
#> In this case, please ask your IT support team to provide you with the proxy server settings
#> Then, have a look at the following tutorial to use these settings:
#> The query may be too big, please use the filters
# }